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Writer's pictureNatalie

Mobile Photography - Day 4

'Night Light Painting'

What you'll need: Mobile Some sort of stand or something stable for your mobile to be placed on At least one other device: mobile, iPad etc (2 or more is great) 2 or more household members to participate, depending on how creative you want to get.

Method: 1. On your mobile open your camera and go into settings/options/more (depending on your mobile type) and click on pro/manual mode. This is where you want to find your shutter speed and bring it to 10 seconds (please view 'settings' in images below to get an idea for a Samsung mobile). For those who have an iPhone or other I would suggest's quick and easy!

2. You will need a dark background. We chose to go in the backyard of an evening. Have at least 1 other device ready with a bright solid coloured background (set screen to brightest). 3. One person will need to be behind the mobile phone which will be taking the photo. Another person posed if you're choosing this look (check images below) otherwise you could draw a word/shape etc with your screen if there are only two of you. 4. The person taking the images will need to place the mobile on a sturdy place (the mobile cant be moved as each image will take 10 seconds to capture). Have the poser ready in position(if you're using one), the light painter (person holding the device with a bright screen) ready to paint around the person or there abouts /and/or ready to draw a word or shape etc (again please refer to images). 5. Once everyone is in place. Click to capture the image without trying to bump you phone. The poser remains still and the light painter can paint around the person with their device screen/light facing the photographer during the 10 second frame. Notes *Make sure to focus on the poser before clicking to capture image. We did this by shining the bright screen on the poser to allow the camera to focus and then took the image. *get creative!! *it may take some practice. *If what I've written is confusing or you would like to see it visually, check you tube; plenty of videos out there to help. Check out below what I managed to do with my lot :


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